With more than half of 2020 behind us, Google Security Researchers of Google’s Project Zero security team compared the vulnerability stats of the year with the stats from 2019. Interestingly, by this month last year, the same numbers of zero-days were detected in the wild as this year. Qualys has been uptodate with all the … Continue reading “Zero-days of Pandemic Year till August, 2020”
Tag: CVE-2020-0674
Internet Explorer Zero-day Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0674)
Summary: Recent Internet Explorer has been observed with zero-day remote code execution vulnerability attacks. To address Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE) web browser RCE vulnerability CVE-2020-0674 Microsoft published an advisory ADV200001. Description: jscript.dll is the vulnerable component for IE 11, and moderate for IE 9 and IE 10. Memory corruption at ease by an attacker leads … Continue reading “Internet Explorer Zero-day Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0674)”