Summary: In the start of May 2020, a mischievous exploit has been out in the wild that uses two CVEs in combination to perform insecure deserialization to a vendor named Telerik. The vulnerability lies in a suite of UI components for web applications called Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX. The insecure deserialization of JSON objects … Continue reading “Telerik UI Remote Code Execution via Insecure Deserialization (CVE-2019-18935)”
Tag: Deserialization
Oracle WebLogic Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-2883)
Summary: Oracle’s April 2020 patch addresses, a critical flaw in Oracle WebLogic Server as CVE-2020-2883 that can be exploited by an unauthenticated user for remote code execution. It has got major attention as CVssV3 score is 9.8/10. Description: WebLogic is a Java-based middleware solution, with thousands of servers running online. It sits between a front-facing … Continue reading “Oracle WebLogic Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-2883)”
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Alert (CVE-2020-0618)
Summary: In the month of February,2020, among MSPT, Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services had to deal with a remote code execution vulnerability. This happens as it incorrectly handles page requests. The SSRS web application allowed low privileged user accounts to run code on the server by exploiting a deserialization issue. Description: As a initial part … Continue reading “Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Alert (CVE-2020-0618)”
Oracle WebLogic Deserialization Vulnerability : CVE-2018-2628
A deserialization vulnerability was discovered in Oracle WebLogic server’s core components. Upon successful exploitation an attacker can take control of the target server. The exploit targets the server by sending a custom serialized object using T3 protocol and achieves remote arbitrary code execution. T3 and T3S(T3 over TLS) protocol is used to exchange data between … Continue reading “Oracle WebLogic Deserialization Vulnerability : CVE-2018-2628”
WebLogic WLS Deserialization RCE : CVE-2017-10271
In the month of October 2017 a Java deserialization vulnerability was disclosed to Oracle. The vulnerability is assigned CVE-2017-10271. Oracle has addressed this issue by releasing patches in October. Upon successful exploitation an attacker can achieve remote code execution with out authentication. An attacker sends a custom XML request to CoordinatorPortType web service, this causes … Continue reading “WebLogic WLS Deserialization RCE : CVE-2017-10271”
Apache Struts Remote Code Execution : CVE-2017-9805
Apache Struts 2 is a framework for creating enterprise Java web applications. The framework is designed to reduce overhead for building, deploying and maintaining applications. A remote code execution vulnerability has been discovered by lgtm. The Apache Struts group has addressed this vulnerability in S2-052. The vulnerability has been assigned CVE-2017-9805. As per the official … Continue reading “Apache Struts Remote Code Execution : CVE-2017-9805”