On Friday, April 14, 2017 – The mysterious hacking group ShadowBrokers released over 300MB of NSA hacking tools and exploits. The dump is hosted as a Yandex disk with password “Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee”. The current dump contains 3 folders oddjob, windows, swift as described below, and a detailed list of the contents can be found here. oddjob An implant builder … Continue reading “ShadowBrokers NSA Tool Dump”
Tag: IIS
Microsoft IIS 6.0 ScStoragePathFromUrl Buffer Overflow Zero Day Vulnerability
Four days ago, a potent proof-of-concept code exploiting an end-of-life software, the Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0 was released. At this point of time – 4 days after the well publicized release of the PoC, the internet still has 607,134 publicly facing web servers! Of these, 286,068 servers are located in the United States. The March … Continue reading “Microsoft IIS 6.0 ScStoragePathFromUrl Buffer Overflow Zero Day Vulnerability”