The Orpheus’ lyre is a critical vulnerability in the implementation of the Kerberos protocol. The name has its roots in the Greek mythology where Orpheus plays his lyre to put Cerberus to sleep. Cerberus is the three headed dog the guards the entrance to the Underworld. Kerberos is named after Cerberus. Kerberos is heavily used by MS … Continue reading “Orpheus’ Lyre Vulnerability”
Tag: Kerberos
ShadowBrokers NSA Tool Dump
On Friday, April 14, 2017 – The mysterious hacking group ShadowBrokers released over 300MB of NSA hacking tools and exploits. The dump is hosted as a Yandex disk with password “Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee”. The current dump contains 3 folders oddjob, windows, swift as described below, and a detailed list of the contents can be found here. oddjob An implant builder … Continue reading “ShadowBrokers NSA Tool Dump”